Centenary of the Archdiocese
The Archdiocese is an Orthodox ecclesial entity which unites the Churches of the Russian Tradition in Western Europe.
Canonically attached to the Patriarchate of Moscow, the Archdiocese is actually directed by His Eminence Metropolitan John of Dubna. Remaining faithful to its spiritual and liturgical roots of the Russian Tradition, it conserves the ecclesial and pastoral particularities as they have been established at the Council of Moscow of 1917-1918, as well as the heritage of its own Tradition.
Founded in1921 by the Holy Patriarch Tikhon and entrusted to Metropolitan Eulogy, the Archdiocese celebrates this year its centenary. On this occasion and in these times of the Covid19 pandemy, we have created this site which offers a virtual presentation of the prominent events of these last hundred years. We present in particular the ecclesial and cultural legacy of the Archdiocese.
This site was produced in partnership with the cultural service of the French National Audiovisual Institute (INA)