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George Morozov

George Vadimovitch Morozov is born on October 24, 1900, in Odessa. He is a son of the painter Vadim Lvovitch Morozov and the grand-nephew of of the artists Nicholas Bodarevsky and Catherine Petrokokino. George Vadimovitch emigrates to France in 1920, settles in Paris and becomes a close friend of the painters and iconographers Dimitri Stelletsky and Peter Fedorov. Member of the Association « The Icon » since 1930, he takes courses with the master iconographer and Old Believer Pimen Sofronov. In 1950 he becomes the vice-president of the Association. He teaches painting and icon painting and gives lectures consecrated to this subject. George Morozov renounces business and his career as a banker in order to consecrate himself completely to iconography.
George Vadimovitch produces numerous icons for churches and individual persons. To his most important works belong a part of the icons of the iconostasis of the church of the Prophet Elias at the Orthodox cemetery in Helsinki, the icons of the church of Saint Seraphim of Sarov and of the church of the Nativity of Christ in Montrouge near Paris. A considerable number of his icons decorate the walls of the church of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God in the Temple in Paris, of which he was a parish member and chorister during many years. George Morozov painted the icons of the iconostasis of the Byzantine church of the Benedictine Monastery in Chevetogne in Belgium. Togetnher with Nicholas Izselenov he paints the frescos of the walls of the Jesuit center of Russian studies « Saint-Georges » in Meudon.
He spends his last years in the Russian Maison de retraite in Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois.
George Vadimovitch Morozov dies in 1993. He is buried at the cemetery in Meudon, near Paris.