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Bishop Roman (Zolotoff)

The future bishop Roman in the scout camps near Royan in the 1950s
© Nathalie Rutschkowsky
Bishop Roman (Zolotov) of Keramon was born on July 8, 1900 in the village of Gulkevichi, Kuban region, in the family of a priest.
In 1919 he graduated from high school in Anapa. Participates in the civil war in the ranks of the army of volunteers in the south of Russia.
In 1922, he was evacuated to Bizerte. He worked in lead mines in Tunisia. Later he moved to France, where he worked in a metallurgical factory in Lille.
Awarded a scholarship, he graduated in 1925 from the National Institute of Agriculture in Montpellier. He worked as an agricultural engineer in French Sudan.
From 1933, he lived in Grenoble.
On April 22, 1938, he became a widower, having lost his wife and his two young daughters.
From 1938 to 1942, he studied at the Saint-Serge Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris.
On May 5, 1940, Metropolitan Euloge (Georgievsky) ordained him deacon at the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris, then on April 6, 1941 with the rank of priest, and on July 18, 1942 he was tonsured into monasticism with the name of Novel.
In 1943-1944, he was professor of law and rector of a church in an orphanage in Verrier-le-Buisson (near Paris).
During the Second World War, with Taisia Spasskaya and the priest Alexandre Tchekan, he organized summer holidays for refugee children at the Château de Clarac near the Po (Hautes Pyrénées department).
Participation in the work of the RSHD.
In 1944-1955, he was rector of the Church of the Intercession in Paris, rue Lourmel. On January 7, 1948, he was elevated to the rank of igumen, and on January 7, 1952 - archimandrite.
In 1955-1957, he was rector of the Notre Dame du Signe church in Paris, boulevard Exelmans.
In 1951-1963, he was chaplain of the Paris prisons.
Since 1948 - the spiritual mentor of the National Organization of Russian Scouts (NORS). He was also a member of the Commonwealth of Russia Tuberculosis Assistance Board of Trustees named after Metropolitan Eulogius, where he served as Treasurer.
Since 1953 - the president of the Commonwealth of Pilgrims created by Bishop Methodius (Kuhlman), participating in numerous pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
In 1956-1966 - member of the Diocesan Council of the Exarchate of Western Europe, from 1963 to 1966 - its president.
1960-1963 - Dean of the parishes of Paris and its surroundings.
In 1955-1963 - 2nd priest of the Alexandre Nevski cathedral in Paris. He actively participates in the activities of the parish school of the cathedral, takes part in the religious and pedagogical conference of Paris.
From 1963 to 1991 - rector of Saint-Nicolas Cathedral in Nice and other churches assigned to him in the south of France. He also served the parish of the Resurrection in Grenoble.
On October 10, 1971, he was consecrated Bishop of Keramon, Vicar of the Archdiocese of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe. The consecration was led by Archbishop George (Tarasov).
In 1974-1990, after the death of Bishop Methode (Kulman), he was appointed president of the Palestinian Diocesan Committee and organized annual pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
In 1991, he retired, after which he resided at the Convent of the Intercession in Bussy-en-Othe.
Since 1992 - Honorary President of the Palestinian Diocesan Committee.
He died on September 1, 1995 in Bussy-en-Othe. He is buried in the crypt of the Russian Church in Sainte Geneviève de Bois.